Women's Health
Vitamins and supplements in pregnancy
Key nutrients during pregnancy Certain nutrients play particularly important roles in your baby...
Prenatal vitamins: Why they matter, how to choose
A healthy diet is the best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need — but even...
Shore Up Your Defenses: What to Eat to Support Your Immune Health
You may take it for granted, but your immune system does battle with potentially harmful...
Women, Take Care of Yourselves
As a woman, you may put the wellbeing of others first. You’re not alone. Women often...
What All Women Should Do for a Healthier Heart
Did you know that a heart attack strikes someone in America every 34 seconds - and that...
7 Ways to Eat Better for Busy Women
Busy women have a lot on their plates. Time spent caring for family, working, and managing...
10 Simple Ways to Live a Healthier Life
The one thing that never ceases to amaze me about our bodies: they respond so well to..
How to Fight Middle-Age Weight Gain
As if weight control wasn't hard enough for women, getting older makes it even more difficult...
Nutrient News For Women Over 50
You need fewer calories as you get older. While the decline may seem like it happened overnight,...
Prenatal Vitamins: OK for woman who aren´t pregnant?
Q. Is it OK to take prenatal vitamins if I'm not pregnant and don't plan to become...
Vaccines for Adults: Which do you need?
Wonder which vaccines you need? It can be confusing, especially if you thought vaccines were just...
Calcium and calcium supplements: Achieving the right balance
Calcium is important for optimal bone health throughout your life. The Institute of Medicine...
Calcium: Building better bones
Calcium is a mineral important for developing and maintaining strong bones. If you don't get...
Vitamin D: Essential with calcium
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, helping your body absorb calcium, which in turn helps you...
Bone health: Tips to keep your bones healthy
Bones play many roles in the body — providing structure, protecting organs, anchoring...
Herbal supplements: What to know before you buy
Echinacea to prevent colds. Ginkgo to improve memory. Flaxseed to lower cholesterol. The list of...
8 Things All Women Should Do for a Healthier Heart
Did you know that a heart attack strikes someone in America every 34 seconds—and that many of...
9 Surprising Tips to Help You Stay Healthy
It’s Fall—back-to-school time! And for me, and many parents, that means back-to-me time…time for...
How Many Hours of Sleep are Enough?
Q. How many hours of sleep are enough for good health? A. The amount of sleep you need...

Couples' Health Habits Meet in The Middle
Studies suggest that a couple's health habits—and attitudes about life—meet in the middle over...